Source code for vro_package_diff.vro_element

#!/usr/bin/env python
"""Define VROElementMetadata object class."""

# default python modules
import hashlib
import io
import logging
import xml.etree.ElementTree as Etree
import zipfile

# third Party
from packaging import version

# local imports
from .config import SUPPORTED_ELEMENT_TYPES

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class VROElementMetadata(): """Abstract class to represent vRealize Orchestrator elements extracted from a vRO package.""" def __init__(self, id: str, xml_info: bytes, data_content: bytes): """Build a new VROElementMetadata object from id, xml_info, data_content. Args: id (str): Object ID (from the folder name in zip-package file). xml_info (bytes): info file content. data_content (bytes): data file content (could be a nested zip file or an XML one). """ = None # populated with self.read_data later self.type = None # populated with self.read_data later self.version = version.parse("0.0.0") # populated with self.read_data later self.dec_data_content = None # populated with self.read_data later self.valued_items = 0 # populated in count_values_from_configuration_elt later = id self.type = self.get_item_type(xml_info) self.comp_version = None if self.type in SUPPORTED_ELEMENT_TYPES: self.data_content = data_content self.read_data() self.checksum = hashlib.sha1(data_content).hexdigest() def __str__(self): """Define the string representation for object VROElementMetadata. Returns: str: string representation """ return "[%s]%s" % (self.type,
[docs] def get_item_type(self, xml_str: bytes): """Get the item type. Args: xml_str (bytes): The XML content for item info. Returns: str: The type name. """ root = Etree.fromstring(xml_str) for x in root.findall('entry'): if x.get('key') == "type": raw_type = x.text if raw_type in SUPPORTED_ELEMENT_TYPES: if raw_type == 'ScriptModule': return "Action" # rename scriptmodule --> action return raw_type else: logger.warning("Unsupported element type for item: %s (%s)" % (, raw_type)) return "Unsupported"
[docs] def u_decode_plain_content(self): """UTF-16 or UTF-8 decoding of plain files. Returns: str: a decoded version of the input data. """ try: dec_data = self.data_content.decode('utf-16-be') logger.debug("UTF-16 decoding for item %s" % except UnicodeDecodeError: try: dec_data = self.data_content.decode('utf-8') logger.debug("UTF-8 decoding failed for item %s" % except UnicodeDecodeError: logger.error("Both UTF-16 and UTF-8 decoding failed for item %s" % dec_data = None return dec_data
[docs] def read_data(self): """Read data content to extract object name. Populate, self.version and self.type. """ = "Unsupported: %s" % self.type # default value self.version = "n/a" # default value # specific case of nested zip file for resourcesElements if self.type == "ResourceElement": with zipfile.ZipFile(io.BytesIO(self.data_content), 'r') as zip_data: with'VSO-RESOURCE-INF/attribute_name', 'r') as name_file: ='utf-8') try: with'VSO-RESOURCE-INF/attribute_version', 'r') as version_file: _version ='utf-8') except KeyError: _version = "0.0.0" self.version = version.parse(_version) with'VSO-RESOURCE-INF/data', 'r') as data_file: self.data_content = self.dec_data_content = self.u_decode_plain_content() elif self.type in SUPPORTED_ELEMENT_TYPES: self.dec_data_content = self.u_decode_plain_content() root = Etree.fromstring(self.dec_data_content) _version = root.get('version', "0.0.0") if self.type == 'Workflow': namespaces = {'workflow': ''} = root.find('workflow:display-name', namespaces).text elif self.type == 'Action' or self.type == "ScriptModule" or self.type == "PolicyTemplate": = root.get('name') elif self.type == 'ConfigurationElement': = root.find('display-name').text self.version = version.parse(_version)
[docs] def count_values_from_configuration_elt(self): """Count the number of values found in a configurationElement. Returns: int: number of values found in the configurationElement items. """ if not self.type == 'ConfigurationElement': logger.warn("Invalid type to count values in") return 0 self.dec_data_content = self.u_decode_plain_content() root = Etree.fromstring(self.dec_data_content) atts = root.find('atts') for att in atts.findall('att'): if att.find('value') is not None: self.valued_items += 1 logger.debug("Found %d values in %s" % (self.valued_items, return self.valued_items